– i.e. how we are going to conduct in practice the Master of Business Change 2021?
The Game Changers Academy Master of Business Change format is adjusted to pandemic sanitary requirements. It has been already 1 year since it started but the situation is still prone to changes when it comes to the organization of trainings. Basing on the experience acquired since April 2020 with the 3rd and part of the 4th editions conducted entirely online, we have developed and implemented efficient tools to use in online managerial trainings. Currently we are in the middle of the 4th edition – the majority of meeting are conducted online and the on-site module is planned for the beginning of September, in accordance with the existing requirements. We have started to recruit participants for the 5th edition of the Master of Business Change program.
Start VI edycji otwartego programu Game Changers Academy Master of Business Change 2022 – luty 2023!
Edycja hybrydowa – online + stacjonarnie!
Doświadczenia rozwojowe dla liderów zmian. Rozwiń 10 umiejętności i poznaj narzędzia, które pozwolą Ci pewnie wprowadzać zmiany.
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+48 609 034 542 / kontakt@gamechangersacademy.eu
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To lead a company through complex changes several elements are required: specific skills, tools and managers engaged in the process of change. At our academy open meetings we have repeatedly mentioned that middle management is the trigger of change. Research on modern business challenges and managers’ productivity confirm that the middle management is close both to employees and top executives, which help them combine both perspectives.
According to Forbes:
Middle management is essential in a change process. With local initiation of change initiatives – by middle managers – we find strong commitment of employees to th change process, in line with arguments for their ability to ‘keep their finger on the pulse’, and being more attuned to what the workforce as a whole will embrace, or for that matter resist. The consequent good news for middle managers is that this means it should be their role to initiate change programmes.
* You can read the entire article here: Why Middle Managers, Rather Than Senior Leaders, Should Initiate Organizational Change. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rsmdiscovery/2017/11/27/why-middle-managers-rather-than-senior-leaders-should-initiate-organisational-change/#1502c8062188
List of Modules:
Strategic Thinking
Building Powerful Teams
Overcoming Resistance
Stakeholders Engagement
Leader’s Self-Awareness
Designing Customer Experience
Conflict Management
Building Feedback Culture
Consolidating and Calibrating Change
We have decided that our yearly program of the open academy will include modules dedicated to each of the competencies. What does it mean in practice? Each meeting consists of 3 fixed GCA elements: an inspiring guest (expert, game changer) who shares not only his/her experience but also tells a story confirming that in order to achieve the goal it is always worth questioning rules, thinking out of the box and going against the flow. The second element is learning experience in the form of a an interactive game or activity which allows to enter in interaction with other participants and face the challenge or problem related to the subject of the meeting. The third element of each module of our GCA Master of Business Change program is the workshop created in collaboration with all the participants.
How does it look in practice?
Firstly, on the engagement of each participant depends the quality and value that he/she ends up with at the end of the meeting. Secondly, before each meeting, participants have to complete a task in the form of prework included in the curriculum of the Academy. The contents of workshops are established taking into account conclusions and observations provided by mentors. Mentoring sessions are held before the program begins and are dedicated to leaders taking part in GCA Master of Business Change. The aim of the sessions is to map the goals each participant wants to achieve thanks to the program along with people whose commitment is required to increase the chance of change being implemented successfully.
Mentoring allows also to collect participants’ needs and expectations related to the program, which are taken into account in the preparation of each module. You will find below more detailed information about each module.
Thanks to my participation in the program I have been able to achieve many of the established goals. I sincerely and honestly recommend the Game Changers Academy to all those who don’t want to stay in place and follow the market but have more ambitious goals to set new directions and their own visions.
When joining GCA I was curious and open to new challenges and information. I haven’t been disappointed by the program. The way in which the program was conducted was very inspiring and what distinguished it from other development programs is the use of different games. Thanks to the program I have acquired several new tools, some of which I have already successfully applied.
Storytelling | Selling your ideas
How to talk about changes so that people are engaged?
How to communicate vision, goals and transformation details?
21 – 22 of March, 2023
Purpose & Vision | Strategic thinking | Disruptive business models
How to create a vision of the company’s future, undermining the assumptions of the industry?
How to creatively use new trends?
How to transfer proven business models from other industries
13th October, 2023
Talent dynamics | Talent development
How to determine which talents are required to successfully implement changes? Who should be included in a process?
How to maximize the strengths and talents of their team members?
21th April, 2023
Design Thinking | Customer Focus
How to design experiences that inspire clients’ admiration?
How to uncover unsatisfied needs?
How to change habits and attract clients?
24 – 25th August, 2023
Self-awareness | Culture change
How to destroy common assumptions and the attachment to the status quo?
How to spread this attitude throughout the organization?
9 – 10 November 2023 r.
Buy-in | Engagement | Strategic Communication
How to cope with uncertainty in transformation processes?
How to make difficult decisions?
How to adapt the appropriate pace and manner to implement changes so that people’s engagement is not lost?
15 – 16th June, 2023
Leadership | Change momentum | Resistance
How to work out and communicate the vision of change?
How to gather a large group of ambassadors of change in a short time?
With whom, when and how to engage to include in the process?
19th May, 2023
additionally F**k-up Night (18th May, 2023)
Structure & Roles | Partners & Ecosystem | Scaling Change
How to (re)organize in order to behave differently?
How to use a network of external resources?
How to attribute appropriate range to change??
1 – 2nd February 2024 r.
Roadmap thinking | Learning organization | Feedback loops
How to draw conclusions from failures?
How to build a feedback culture in the organization?
How to divide transformation into phases and create a roadmap of change?
How to apply agile methodology in change processes?
11 – 12th January, 2024
Trust | Dealing with Culture Clash | Courage
How to build a culture of cooperation?
How to constructively make use of resistance?
How to establish rules meant to organize and structure reality?
How to boldly manage conflicts?
30th November – 1st December, 2023
Celebrating successes
Each leader invites his/ger guests – sponsors and ambassadors – to the graduation meeting. Together we present the most interesting cases and stories of implemented changes.
Start: March 2022
96 hours of intensive workshops
80 hours of individual work
2 mentoring sessions
15 meetings
20 experts, practitioners and consultants
Master of Business Change Certificate
See how we help to implement change in Game Changers Academy
Do you want to take part in the program?
Buy it now!
+48 609 034 542 / kontakt@gamechangersacademy.eu