

Development programs for change leaders and their teams attract both advocates of change and those who recognize the challenges and potential risks associated with it.

Game Changers Academy combines these two perspectives in its search for the middle ground. What does this mean for us? We try to capture different insights, experiences in the area of change implementation and transformation management. Therefore, we invite representatives from corporations, SMEs—including team leaders, managers, department heads, heads of strategy and new business, and board members—as well as professionals from the third sector (NGOs) to participate in Game Changers Academy programs.

Participants highlight the connection between the business and non-profit sectors as one of the key values of the GCA Master of Business Change program. Below are some profiles and feedback from our Graduates.

Joanna Erdman

President of the Management Board at Poland Without Cash Foundation

Position during the program:
President of the Management Board at Poland Without Cash Foundation

As a leader, I need to find time and space for reflection, inspiration and strategic insight.What there is often no time for in the day-to-day work of the organization. The GCA program and mentoring allows me to focus on my long-term vision and goals.

Want to join the graduates community? Check out the details of the upcoming edition of Master of Business Change!


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