Game Changers Academy philosophy

We are guided by the idea of a holistic approach to business. We have explained it more in detail in the document that can be found in The Idea tab and describes how we perceive business and its broader influence on the environment in which it functions.

The Game Changers Academy philosophy manifests itself in the planned activities addressed to representatives of NGO’s and public institutions which need support in terms of tools and building a wider network including the business, commercial world. In every GCA Master of Business Change edition we offer a scholarship for an organization from the not-for-profit sector, enabling NGO representative to take part in our yearly program. We engage organizations through work on concrete case studies of organizations in need of help.

In the first three Game Changers Academy Master of Business Change editions, we have supported the activities of Instytut Pomnik Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka whose representatives participated in the program. The result of the collaboration and engagement of GCA organizers – Pracownia Gier Szkoleniowych and The Heart with leaders from the organizations taking part in the first edition of GCA was the creation of the K.I.D.S. Foundation (Club of Children’s Hospitals Innovators –, to support the hospital in Międzylesie.

Fourth edition of GCA MBC


If you represent an organization interested in getting support and you operate within one of the areas mentioned before.


Jeśli jesteście organizacją, która pracuje nad ważnym społecznie projektem i szuka sposobów, żeby wyskalować zasięg projektu, chce rozszerzyć wpływ społeczny swoich działań, szerzej docierać do interesariuszy, zgłoście się po strategiczne wsparcie Akademii Game Changers Academy.

Kogo szukamy?

Ogólnopolskich NGO i instytucji publicznych, innowacyjnych organizacji, które działając w obszarze edukacji lub zdrowia psychicznego dzieci i młodzieży nie boją się działać inaczej, wbrew utartym schematom, pod prąd.

A scholarship consisting of the participation of a leader with 1 accompanying person in the yearly program. The program starts in March 2022.

Participation in the program includes:

  • 2 places in 10 thematic modules
  • Time Machine workshop for your strategic team
  • Yearlong support in the execution of the project, its calibration, planning and development. Leaders’ competencies from the business sector will be used to help your cause!
  • Mentoring sessions of the leader from your organization
  • Workshops in favor of your organization and for your organization
  • Development of 10 key competencies – for the leader from your organization and 1 accompanying person for each module
  • A set of practical tools
  • Building and extending the network of contacts

What we expect:

That you are ready to collaborate with other participants of the Program to establish a project for your organization that will enable the extend of your activities or the implementation of innovations or a new project to the portfolio of your organization.

Organization Selection Process

Filling out the form

The NGO leader fills out the application form till February 17th 2022

Recruitment interviews

Recruitment interviews with representatives of pre-selected organizations – February 21st and 22nd 

Selecting the Organization

Selecting the organization that will take part in the 5th edition of Game Changers Academy Master of Business Change February 23rd 2022

*dates can be subject to changes in accordance with the start of the 5th edition of Game Changers Academy. If the start of the Program is postponed, we will inform about it all the applicants immediately. More information on the Program and dates of consecutive modules can be found at

Please contact Ewa by mail: or by phone 606 979 818.

If you are looking for a possibility for yourself, your organization or your team to engage and support an important cause, join us!

Join us!

GCA supports initiatives in the field of modern education, health protection, ecology. Each edition of the open Academy is accompanied with workshops, meeting and competence volunteering.

GCA connects people having competences and eager to act with organizations needing support.

More information soon!